

Best Guide Crystal Healing 101: Therapy with Stones’ Energy
What is Crystal Healing? Why and For What Purpose do You Use Crystal Therapy? Crystal Healing Benefits. Chakra Healing. Stones Effects.
101 Guide to Energy Healing: the Most Ancient Therapeutic Technique
What is Energy Healing and How Does It Work? Energy Healing Techniques. How the What is Distance Energy Healing? How You Can Become an Energy Healer?
Shamanism 101: The Most Comprehensive Guide about Shamanic Practices
What is the practice of Shamanism? ​What is a Shaman? Principles, concepts and teachings of Shamanism. Types of Shamanism in the World.
What is San Pedro Cactus? The Sacred Plant Explained
What is San Pedro? The properties and use of this Sacred Cactus What are the effects of this master plant? How to prepare it? How the San Pedro ceremony takes place?
What is Sananga? Discover the Sacred Eye Drops used by Shamans
What is Sananga eye drops? What is Sananga made of? Origin, preparation and application. Use and Medicinal Effects. Medical Benefits of Sananga. Traditional Uses of the Plant. Active components and Effects. ​Precautions and Dose.
7 Chakras 101: How to Activate and Balance Them?
The 7 chakras are the key points in Eastern philosophies since they are very important energy centers in our body. In this article we will see in detail what chakras are, how they work and how to awaken them through the practice of reiki and meditation, in order to obtain numerous psychophysical benefits.
How is a Reiki Session?
Article that explains in detail what a reiki session is? How does it work? What is a healing crisis?
What is Reiki and what are its Benefits?
What does Reiki do? Article about what reiki is, what it is used for and in which situations it is useful to do reiki
What is Shamanic Reiki and the Power of Sacred Master Plants
What is Reiki? Origin and History. Benefits of Shamanic Reiki. The Shamanic Reiki Lifestyle: The GOKAI (The five principles of Reiki). Shamanism as a Healing Path. Therapeutic Use of Sacred Plants. ​Determining Factors of the Medicine. ​Channeling Reiki: The Power of Treatments. ​Reiki as a Path to Awakening.
What is Rapeh? Everything you need to know about this Shamanic Tool
What is Rapé, How Rapé is prepared, Ingredients and Biochemistry, The ritual, What are the effects and benefits, What is it used for, Medical use of Rapé.

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