March 15, 2019

Sacred Shamanic Medicine and Reiki Healing in Berlin. Ceremonies, Sessions and Events. Alessandro Ferrari.

Reading time: 17 Minutes

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Since the beginning of time, Spirituality has been present in the human race; it is therefore an undeniable state of its nature and its capacity to interpret the cosmos, which gives a purpose and a meaning to its existence.

This ancient Spirituality has always been linked to the understanding of the surrounding environment represented by the earth, which is the donor of physical life, for this reason called Mother Earth or Pachamama. It is the sky that sustains life through the water that falls on it, and for this reason it has been called Father Sky.

That is why Shamanism is the most authentic and pure way to remember our roots, already forgotten by many in the present age.

The "Power Plants or Master Plants" play a very important role in this process, because they are the sons and daughters messengers of ancestral wisdom, to help man to remember his purpose and his union with the cosmos.

Shamanic Reiki is defined as the ability to learn to heal and channel internal energies (intention, thought and emotions) and external energies (lived experiences, the 5 elements of nature) for the evolution and awakening of consciousness, leading to happiness free from any conditioning and attachment.

What is Reiki? Origin and History

reiki shamanic healing berlin Alessandro Ferrari

Reiki is a word of Japanese origin, which dates back to the time of Grand Master Mikao Usui in 1922. His word is composed of two words REI: UNIVERSAL SOURCE and KI: ENERGY. Therefore, the word Reiki is defined as a universal source of energy from which to learn how to channel one's own happiness and that of many beings.

But this healing energy is much older than the word Reiki, because the word is only a way to define something much greater. Much earlier in Egypt this energy was already known and was called KA (Divine Essence, Pure Personality. It is the spiritual energy that animates and gives life to men and gods). In China it was known as TAO (infinite and mysterious energy that cannot be defined). In old India it is called PRANA (The universal energy that manifests itself in man), while in Andean shamanism it is called KAWSAY PACHA (Cosmos of living energy). He may also have received many names, depending on the time and culture in which he was practiced. It is also important to know that it is a luminous energy that is everywhere, the same word God is born from the ancient Greek Deux, whose translation is Light.

So it can be called in many ways, but it is the same energy of loving healing. For the same reason the word Reiki today has been taken as synonymous with well-being and health, adopted by many other types of paths, but originally it is Japanese and coined by master Mikao Usui to define and channel the wisdom gained in his experience of satori (Enlightenment).

When Reiki is applied for healing purposes, it begins to transmute the energies of our body, mind and spirit. Reiki accelerates self-healing, opens the mind and spirit to the true causes of illness and pain, which have their origin in the mind. The Usui Reiki System is a natural art of healing, employing the loving energy that vibrates in all beings and things manifested by creation.

The Usui System of Natural Healing continues to be transmitted through the Reiki Masters. In the past this was an oral tradition (Kuden), today there are many books and texts on Reiki, but for the transmission of energy and lineage it is necessary to be in physical presence and have a true human contact with a Reiki Master, to receive that deeper teaching. The Masters are committed to the art of Healing, its lineage, the principles of Reiki and the lifestyle that this entails.

In fact, the lineage in Reiki is the only possible certification that tells the story of one's own personal Reiki.

Benefits of Shamanic Reiki

Andean Shamanic Reiki works at every level and naturally adapts to the needs of the receiver. Reiki is excellent for treating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems and gives wonderful results.

Reiki treatment increases the body's natural ability to heal.
It increases vitality and energy, body functions, mind, emotions, essence and aura.
Reiki treatment releases blocked energy and promotes relaxation and reduces stress, chronic fatigue, fears, phobias, addictions.

Reiki energy has an innate intelligence and goes where the body and aura need it.
It helps to purify the body from the energy and physical toxins, increases its power over time, increases energy, intuition, meditation and spiritual evolution.
It strengthens the immune system, balances the endocrine system and normalizes blood pressure.
Reiki is absorbed by every cell in the body in the necessary amount and flows where there is a deficiency.

I wrote an article about "What is Reiki for?", read it here.

The Shamanic Reiki Lifestyle: The GOKAI
(The five principles of Reiki) 

reiki shamanic healing berlin Alessandro Ferrari

Reiki: "Secret method to attract happiness. Wonderful medicine for all diseases of the body and soul".

1. Just for today I abandon my worries

2. Just for today I abandon anger

3. Just for today am I grateful (I honor my parents, teachers and elders)

4. Just today do I work honestly on myself.

5. Just for today I flow and I am compassionate towards all sentient beings.

The Gokai have a very strong energy in the practice of every Reiki Practitioner and many times they are not given the importance that they really have. They were inspired by Emperor Hiroito, the last emperor of Japan, who was very attached to the arts and poetry. Mikao used them as a sympathizer of the emperor, took them and made them part of his teachings, but with a much deeper and more introspective nuance.

These are 5 principles that every Reiki Practitioner should practice, meditate and deepen every day.

Just for Today - Kyo Dake

It refers to the value of each day. The only thing that really exists is the present, not the past or the future. Life is today. Today is the experience of every moment and the way we live this moment determines our life. The power of the now is giant and has a unique power, because to be happy it is necessary to make decisions that lead to that happiness, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. This precept invites you to live life in this moment, to take charge of and transmute all those energies in the present (here and now), in this day.

"Just for today" refers to the other five principles.

Just for today I abandon the worries - Kyo Dake Shinpai Suna

The concern is powerless and useless, it is a huge waste of mental energy and has never solved anything. Instead of worrying, exercise in each of your actions and take care of them. If you act with an enlightened heart, you will cross the world without generating any karmic imprint. Learn the art of letting go the mind and its fears, to transmute them into faith.

A great Master used to say, "Each day has enough trouble of its own.".

Just for today I abandon anger - Kyo Dake Okoru Na

Have you ever seen or experienced that anger solves something without causing pain? Feeling anger, irritation, hurts you and hurts others, doesn't help, doesn't work, realize it and start looking for another approach that turns anger into wisdom. Anger is just another energy, but it's not part of your essence.

The energy moves under the universal law of cause and effect, one thing leads to another; fear leads to concern, concern leads to control, control inexorably does not go as we want and frustration originates, and from frustration comes anger and with it the physical illness and many troubles of the world. If you want to cut the chain, turn off all the fear that is the root of everything.

Learn to look at it and observe yourself when it comes and you'll get rid of it.

Selfish people are destroyed through anger, resentment and hatred. Through Reiki we can learn to harmonize our emotions and our spirit. Do not confuse this with repressing anger, you have to channel and transform it.

Just for today I'm grateful to you - Kyo Dake Kansha Shite

Be grateful to others and to the power of nature, because you have been given the gift of life. Gratitude is an energy of high consciousness. We lose ourselves when we forget the feeling of gratification and gratitude.

Many beings to desire what they do not have, lose what they do have.

Gratitude generates abundance, just like a loving mother or grandmother when she gives you your favorite food, and if you thank her, she happily serves you another dish. Our beautiful Pachamama is the same: thank every day the gift of life, the gift of breath, your food, the beings who love you and so gratitude will begin to be an integral part of your essence, you will never miss anything.

Precisely for this reason, "Thanksgiving is for the wise".

Just for today I work honestly on myself. - Kyo Dake Goo Hage Me

Dedicate time to your personal and spiritual growth. Begin to develop the spiritual discipline necessary to achieve your full happiness, the old bad habits are no longer good companions on this journey. The most sacred value of the universe are Time and Space, thanks to them life as we know can exist. Give time and space to your practice and you will see how heaven will reward you.

It's like watering a plant and what you water grows.

Don't waste time criticizing or judging others. Bring all that energy to your being, to awaken all the potential you have inside. You have a lot of work to do, be constant.

Just for today I flow and am compassionate with all sentient beings. Kyo Dake Hito Ni Shinsetsu Ni

Taking care of Nature, our Planet and all living things, especially our fellow human beings, is the only task worth doing in this world.

If people help each other, a healthy community is built for the first time. There is no difference between oneself and others in terms of importance in the universal dimension. It is the same spirit that exists. Remember the Great Law of the Cosmic Mirror, where all that happens to you is a reflection of your inner self. So being kind to others also means taking care of yourself. This feeling will naturally develop during the practice of Reiki, discovering a lesson of love and harmony in everything that surrounds you.

Shamanism as a Healing Path

Shamanism is a totally experiential path, where the healer, before offering a certain master plant or ceremony/experience, must first of all have lived it himself. By experiencing first-hand the benefits that this can bring. Therefore, for a being to declare himself a Shaman, he must have had many experiences, put all wisdom and knowledge to the test to see its truthfulness and effectiveness.

The Shaman is a Chakaruna (man or woman bridge) between the world above and the world below, his purpose is to maintain the balance between the two planes. For this reason it occupies different types of vehicles and tools that help it to heal and get in touch with the invisible world of spirits and all the energies that move there.

The Shamanic Reiki Practitioner is a healer par excellence, that using all his knowledge and with the help of visible and invisible guides, has managed to heal himself first and foremost and free himself from the afflicted states of mind. For the same reason he is ready to help free other beings.

He is a wise being who does not act quickly, but observes until the right moment to act appears, is patient with himself and with others, speaks lovingly and sincerely, does not seek a result or even less control, but lives in every moment in the hands of the great spirit and its plans. He does not make enemies, nor fears demons, because he knows that they are the reflection of his subconscious, then he integrates them with the immortal love and makes them his allies.

The Shamanic Reiki Practitioner must find the magic that is hidden in everything created. Where some see chance or fortune, he must see the universal causality and synchronicity that has meant that, where some lose themselves in labeling, structuring and shaping things, he can instead see the solar and lunar energies that move between the shadows, where everyone analyzes he must intuit, where all have lost their calm he must remain serene, when all cry and flee before death, he must smile and embrace it.

Therapeutic Use of Sacred Plants

reiki shamanic healing berlin Alessandro Ferrari

Every living being that pulsates on this planet is a reflection of the cosmos, "As it is above, so it is below, and as it is below, so it is above," says the ancient universal law. For the same reason every pulsing being in this world has something to show us, something to teach us and we have something to learn and integrate.

Therefore, the great vegetable kingdom has many things to teach us, we just need to become its observers. For example, every plant wisely searches for sunlight that is thousands of miles away, it is miraculous that something as small as a flower seeks something far away and that is millions of times larger than it, but at the same time something as small gives a purpose to something so big, this is the miracle. We must learn from him and know that the solar vitamin is fundamental in the organism for the fixation of calcium, as well as other minerals in the bones, and the main form in which it is acquired is being exposed to the Sun, this allows us to develop and grow like a plant. Thanking the Father Sun at sunrise and in its twilight, is to thank life and be in union with the cosmos. Never complain about such a beautiful gift.

At the same time, every plant, every flower, every tree, has a different purpose, a different size, a different shape, a different aroma. We must also learn from this and accept diversity and differences, because this is the beauty of life.

Each plant also has different properties, with different virtues and gifts. Our ancestors have been wise in this regard, since herbal medicine is thousands of years old and they have kept its records in many ways.

For example, a plant of hierbabuena, has relaxing properties and for the digestive system, ginger helps us with infectious processes and others also have aromatic properties, oils and other for bathing, in short is a gigantic fan for different uses as well as therapeutic.

Within this plant kingdom, there are some very special plants, which work not only physically, but rather at the level of the subconscious and unconscious, these plants are the bridges between the world of man and the world of the gods, so they are given the name of sacred plants or plants of power and at the same time they are also called mother plants, because they have to teach human beings and show them the great truth. These wonderful plants are daughters and sons of the sun and the earth and bring us a message of healing, liberation and wisdom, so their fear makes no sense. You must love them, not fear them.

There is a huge variety of these authentic nature spirits, each of whom is waiting for you: each one is a master in himself and each one has a message and a teaching for your happiness and your awakening.

Determining Factors of the Medicine

There is an enormous amount of disinformation and ignorance based on sacred plants, which produces a lot of fear and their rejection. Part of our mission as Shamanic Reiki Practitioners is to appreciate and value such a beautiful gift given by Mother Earth and then share it with those who need it. Einstein said, "It is easier to divide an atom than to disintegrate a prejudice," so sometimes the task is not easy, but with love everything can be done.

A Master Plant is and always will be a living experience, so its teaching is direct and profound, and allows evolutionary shortcuts in our learning and understanding of the cosmos and its energies. What can cost years of experience to acquire and integrate, with the right guidance of a Sacred Plant, can be shown in a few seconds.

It is not enough to recklessly try these plants, or give them to everyone, to the right and to the left. The plant also needs us, it needs a channel that understands it and knows how to direct its energy. Remember that a remedy at low doses has no effect and that in excessive doses it could be a poison. The middle way is the path of the Shamanic Reiki Practitioner, but the only way to walk and learn in Shamanism is to live it. That's why TRUST and FAITH deposited in the plant and in the being that guides and teaches, is a fundamental pillar in shamanic learning and the origin of all wisdom. The old disciple-teacher relationship, the earth and the sky, the moon and the sun, is lived in a human and at the same time divine experience. The same act of taking the plant is the proof of faith in Shamanism.

In order for a Sacred Plant to be energetically activated and reach its maximum potential, it needs two basic ingredients that are LOVE and WISDOM, without them no ceremony and healing makes any sense and therefore loses its ability to free human beings from their afflictive states, here is where it ends up becoming a form of escape and, worse, a vice. Remember that love and wisdom are the key.

Which Master Plants do I use in my Shamanic Reiki ceremonies and sessions? Mainly 4:

Coca Leaves

When I work in Perù I use as well another Master Plant:

San Pedro Cactus

Channeling Reiki: The Power of Treatments

In the initiates, the energy of Universal Reiki flows through one's being. Reiki is a subtle energy. The energy usually comes from the crown chakra, passes through the heart chakra and flows through the arms to the hands and from there goes where it is needed. This seems to be the uniform pattern of the flow of Reiki and many other healing energy systems.

Reiki is an energy that works in a descending way, so we cannot receive a negative energy or disease from the patient, because we become just a channel of light. We could say that the cosmos is the great mountain where the waters accumulate and the Reiki Practitioner is the river where they circulate, so no energy can go against that beneficial and powerful current.

The basic energy of Reiki has always been the ACTIVATED INTENTION.

Reiki uses the energy of the Ki or universal life force to make changes and transmute blockages in the energy body, to promote the preservation of well-being and health.

A therapist, harmonizes to heal.
Energy healing is very effective when the person follows an active treatment (followed) in a path, at the first session the patient will experience a lot of well-being and it is always advisable to perform at least 3 sessions per person.

Do you want to know more about a Reiki Session? Here there is an article about it.

Reiki as a Path to Awakening

Humanity is thousands of years old, more than science imagines. There have been complex civilizations in this world as they are now, with many technological advances even more advanced than now. Just see ancient cultures such as the Maya, Aztecs and pre-Incan cultures. Even more ancient are the cultures of Egypt, the Sumerians and so far comes science. More ancient are the civilizations of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria, the true origin of all the other cultures mentioned above. But everything is cyclical and, as the great universal law says, what has a beginning will have an end, as well as this modern lifestyle based on fossil fuels and everything that accompanies it will have an end.

In Shamanism, we talk about a RECALL, a reminder of who you are, your life purpose, your cosmic purpose. But the human being does not remember, lives in a IGNORANCE (Avidya), the ignorance of not knowing its origin, its mission, nor know where it is going. From this ignorance of not knowing, comes the ignorance of the attachment to material things and all the erroneous beliefs that generate pain and affliction in this world.

REMEMBERING is fundamental today, to revive the old glories where science and spirituality were one, where mind, body and soul were harmoniously aligned with the universal currents of knowing how to live. Hence it comes the importance of ancestral wisdom that helps us to remember and awaken in this present the knowledge of our ancestors to recover the lost harmony.

And it is here that the process of self-healing takes on its fundamental role. Because the only way to restore your balance and alignment of bodies in harmony with the great source of being, is your SELF-HEALING and all the benefits that it attracts. Love your body which is the vehicle you have been given to live this short but wonderful human experience, take care of it and use it wisely, it is your temple. Love your mind and learn to calm it (Meditative states), love your emotional body and learn to channel its energies (Love Detachment). If you follow these noble steps every time you will feel better and lighter. You can become an oasis for other beings who live in a desert and are thirsty for refreshing wisdom that extinguishes all afflicted states. True Medicine is PURE WISDOM, you should appreciate it as a treasure.

With Reiki you have been given a nice gift, you're coming back to remember again. Never lose faith and like the old sages: live your life, moment by moment.

Book a Session

Do you want to try a Shamanic Reiki Session with Alessandro? Click on the button below to request it now:

About the author 

I'm Alessandro Ferrari, a Shamanic Reiki Master, creator of Reiki Shamanic Healing. Every day I work on myself to develop the Consciousness of the present moment, seeking and sharing Light and Love in the world.
​I work with the powerful healing energy of Reiki combined with the ancient shamanic practices of South America. I can help you through the connection with the sacred spirits of Rapé and Sananga, and with the powerful knowledge of Amazonian Forest Oracles.

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this information. I found it to be beneficial and informative. I am an amateur reiki practitioner and I have always had an interest in shamanism separately. To learn here that the two interconnect is fascinating!

    Best regards,

    – Alex

    1. Thank you Alex for your comment! I am happy to be helpful to you! There are more topics that you want to discover? Maybe I can write an article about them, please let me know 🙂

      A hug of light and love!

  2. Very interesting read, I’ve just started to come into my own “power” I guess would be the word? I’ve been trying to get a sense of where one might start their journey down the path of a shamanic reiki healer

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