Do You Want to Be a Healer? Here you find all your Courses

Become a Certified Healer

Reiki Shamanic Healing presents "The Medicine of Colibrì, International School of Love and Light", learn how to Heal with Love and Light.

Learn How to Heal

Learn different powerful healing techniques, we will teach you to know which one is better in every situation and how to develop your inner senses.

Discover the Gifts inside you

Each of us is an Innate Healer, only you haven't found out yet. Discover this gift of Love and change and improve many lives, yours included!

Certified Shamanic Reiki Level 1 / 1-Day Course

Traditional Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho) combined with the healing power of Sacred Plants. A beautiful journey of self-discovery and healing.

reiki shamanic healing berlin Alessandro Ferrari

Munay Ki 9 Rites + The 13th Rite of the Woumb Course / 2-Days Course

Learn how to transmit all the Shamanic Healing Rites from the South American Andes.

reiki shamanic healing berlin alessandro ferrari munay ki

Metamorphic Massage /

1-Half-Day Workshop

Learn How to Heal the patient's past with this special massage technique in this introductory intensive course, mostly practical.

chakra subtle system reikishamanichealing

Chakra Balancing with Stones and Pendulum

/ 1-Half-Day Workshop

Learn how to use the Pendulum to Check and Balance all the main Chakras with the help of Stones and Crystals. A beautiful intensive course, mostly practical.

crystals stones energy healing reiki 7 chakras reikishamanichealing

How to Heal with Rapeh/Sananga 

1 Day Worskshop

If you have done the Level 1 of Shamanic Reiki, then you are ready to meet these two beautiful and lovely plants. Learn how to connect and work with them in this course.

green rape snuff kuripe reiki shamanic healing berlin

How to Protect & Cleanse: You, Your Home, Your Work Environment 

/ 1-Half-Day Workshop

Learn how to do a Cleansing with natural products. Learn how to Protect and Cleanse yourself, your Home and your working space.

7 chakra flowers reikishamanichealing

​Customer stories

I participated in New Moon ceremony with plant medicine and sound journey. It was a great experience. Alessandro and Marjah created very relaxed and warm atmosphere that made me feel comfortable fast. Ceremony gave me again this light feeling that was a bit gone and helped me to take things easier and get back on my path. Also, I enjoyed that Alessandro introduced us with different plants and explained everything in very simple and easy language. And sound journey by Marjah was perfect add to ceremony to get the best out of it! It felt like they both were in the same wave as we and helped out with support and music! Thank you very much for this experience! As always, I received everything that I had to at that moment from sacred plants! :)

Līga Šmite

Absolutely brilliant session with Alessandro! I walked in the studio a little bit nervous from a demanding period, and I have to say that the realignment of energetic spots that you get with this method really helped me release the stress in the first place, and to move more easily through everyday life the following days.
Totally going to schedule another session very soon!

Andrea Cuoghi

Absolutely stunning experience with one of the nicest person ever meet, Alessandro! He helped guiding me and sharing the informations required for a great Healing, with techniques and knowledges powerful and made with love and passion. His use of sacred plants has shamanic roots, and I couldn’t be happier to have been chosen his powerful Reiki to improve my wealth. Positive vibrations and highly recommended! Ahoo 🙏

Roberto Sacco

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Click below to ask for more information about the course you are interested in and the next dates in Berlin and around the world. Remember to ask is always free ;)

Thanks for coming all the way here

May you meet the best way for you! Don't stop until you've found it.

I send you a warmly hug of Love and Light! 

Alessandro Ferrari

Copyright Reiki Shamanic Healing